The online course that helps women go from feeling tired, overwhelmed, and depleted to restored, peaceful, and grounded.

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Determine Your Ayurvedic and Tibetan Typology and Constitution


The first step to healing and fully supporting your body is learning your dominant constitution.  In this module, you will learn your dominant elemental body type.

After you determine your dominant elemental body type, you will understand more fully which wild herbs you need to incorporate into your daily routine for optimal health. 



Wild Herbs and Other Supportive Plants for Women

  •  Learn wild herbs for women's health, such as Magnolia, Spanish moss, and Partridgeberry.
  • Learn herbs that help balance hormones. 
  • Learn herbs that relieve anxiety, stress, PMS, PCOS, and estrogen dominance.
  • Learn how to incorporate wild herbs into your daily life to radiate love and beauty.  



Breast and Uterine Health

  • Learn how to make an herbal breast oil using wild herbs.
  • Learn how to use castor oil packs and massages to ensure uterine health and to improve fertility. 

"Women are too much inclined to follow in the footsteps of men, to try to think as men think, to try to solve the general problems of life as men solve them.  The woman is not needed to think man's thoughts.  Her mission is not to enhance the masculine spirit, but to express the feminine.  Hers is to create a human world by the infusion of the feminine element into all of its activities." Margaret Sanger


One of the BEST ways to heal is to connect with the land, with the wild herbs beneath your feet.  I will focus on wild herbs for women's health in this course and activities to help you connect with your inner goddess.

With Love Always,


Only $197

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Herbs for the Empowered Woman Online Course


Limited Time Offer, Course Value is $397

  • Learn your dominant constitution, according to Ayurveda and Tibetan Typologies. 
  • Learn specific nutrition and lifestyle tips according to your constitution. 
  • Learn Wild Herbs to help balance hormones and help you shine as a woman.  
  • Learn how to completely nourish and love your breasts and uterus. 

Women are the ultimate givers, ALWAYS doing.


Doing and giving too much, can leave you feeling depleted, stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and depressed.  It can make you lose your source of radiance.  In this Herbs for Women Online Course, I share with you many wild herbs and tips to always remain a goddess in good health! Plus, you will learn the essence of your anatomy and physiology according to the elements, fire, earth, water, air, and ether.